Cooper's Corner

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snow Day!

Well, well, well...if there is anyone left to look at my blog!!! I might be the world's worst mother about taking/putting up pictures for everyone to see, but here are a few (at the bottom as always).

Coop spent the weekend with his Nana and Alan and had a blast as we have a winter wonderland like most of the country. He is almost 2 now, which is totally crazy and going to have a brother joining him in July! Ryan and I are really excited, but I am sure that our life is about to be exponentially crazier.

Life is really good for the Pettit's these days. We were recently in Huntsville searching out job opportunities and if everything works out, it looks like we will be moving back to North AL when we finish here in a year and a half. Time flies, but looking forward to being back where my family is.

Cooper is doing all sorts of new things, like mimicking everything, talking up a storm, demanding chocolate milk only (don't even try to mix in white milk), and being spoiled! We love him dearly and he is cuter and cuter by the second!!

Post and let us know what you are up to...that is if there is anyone left! :)

Ryan, Katie, Cooper, and soon to be Crosby

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy first birthday!!

Ok, ok...I have no excuses for taking a 5 month hiatus, but what can I say??? Things are pretty busy around here. I hope everyone is doing well and hasn't given up on the blog. :) Cooper is now 13 mo old and walking and talking like a mad man. Part of the reason it has been so long is that Coop likes to "hide" things and it took me awhile to find the USB connection for the camera so I could upload pics! :) He is growing and changing so's hard to believe we have a one year old! We had a BIG birthday party for him, complete with a min cake for him to tear into. The mess about drove Ryan crazy, but he seemed to enjoy the sugar high. I hope everyone is well and I promise to post some more again soon. There will be plenty of pics posted below to catch everyone up on months 9-12!! :) Please leave a post and let us know how you are doing...
Ryan, Katie, and Cooper

Monday, December 29, 2008

My first Christmas!

Cooper had such a great time opening his MILLION presents @ Christmas. He seemed to figure out that they were all for was pretty cute. He also has started making this "cheese" face when we point the camera @ him and it appears he is trying to smile...he may not be very photogenic in the future if this continues, but we think he is adorable! :)

I am putting some more pictures at the bottom since I have been so bad about updating the blog recently, so please check them out.
By the way, so milestones we have reached in the last month or so. He is officially crawling and into everything...hard to keep up with! He is pulling up, able to go from standing to sitting and sitting to crawling. He is starting to wave bye-bye and is saying mama, dada, and baba...all of which are too precious! Love you all and Happy Holidays!

I can't resist adding the videos where Ryan is tickling the little man. He just loves it! I really can't believe what a happy disposition Cooper has--he must have gotten that from his daddy! I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season. We have been blessed and we are so excited to go to the beach to spend a few days with my family over New Year's!

Unfortunately, Ryan and I both had to work on Christmas, so we sent Coop to stay with Ryan's mom for a couple of nights. I couldn't believe how hard it was to be without him for a few days. I don't know what I am going to do when he goes to stay with my parents for a whole week. It is really amazing how much having babies changes your life and perspective on things. I never thought I would love being a Mommy so much!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Burrito baby!

One of Cooper's new favorite things is to roll himself up in blankets and we were fortunate enough to capture one

of these adventures on camera! It is too precious. He is really at a fun age--almost 8 months--I can't believe he is SO BIG already. Hope all is well...we are certainly looking forward to the holidays and it is starting to feel like winter up here in Ohio. There were even snow flurries last week! :) For those of us from would have been canceled. Hope everyone is well and Happy Holidays! I am posting more pics and some videos at the bottom.

Ryan, Katie, and Cooper

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Super scary!

We were fortunate enough to travel to Huntsville over Halloween/my mother's 60th birthday and we thought Charlie Brown (thanks Debbie B for the suggestion) would be the perfect costume. Cooper was an absolute angel on the flight and as you could guess, a total hit in the airports given how precious he is! :) He definitely has a block-head like Charlie Brown. He also was a dalmation once we were in Huntsville because his BIG cousins (Ian and John) were firefighters and the little ones (Coop, Haze, and Nicholas) were their dalmations. It was pretty is a pic of the five cousins!!

Cooper also got to meet his Aunt Jan for the first time and he loved her from the start!! He was really sweet with everyone. I know he misses them dearly. We also got to meet my newest nephew, Nicholas. He was born on October 13 and is absolutely adorable...Nikki was certainly blessed with a good baby. So the Nicholson girls now have an entire basketball team!! Kinda crazy...

I hope you all enjoy the pics. I will post some more at the bottom and there will be more posts to come when I have all of the pictures. Cooper was also baptised this weekend and his godmother, Marianne, was sweet enough to make it to see him.
We miss you all and love you!
Ryan, Katie, and Cooper

Saturday, October 11, 2008


So...not a whole lot new in the Pettit world...just new teeth for Cooper. He has his 2 bottom teeth and is cutting one on the top as well. We have captured some good pics of his new-found friends that he LOVES to show off. He is making this new funny face...especially at his daddy, so I will load a video of that as well!! :) I can't believe our little man is 6 months old now!!!!!!!!!!! Time flies. I hope everyone is well and we miss and love you all.
And he is sucking his thumb now!

Look at that sweet baby!! :)

Isn't his face hilarious!!
There are more pictures of this below...he is getting so big, so fast. Please stay tuned for Halloween...I can't wait for everyone to see his costume! Love and miss you all.
Ryan, Katie, and Coop